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The Cliffhanger Research and Development Team


We strive to be innovative, to promote new ideas and to inspire individuals around the world to do better. To Make the most of themselves. To come up with new ideas and create their visions.  To be the best that they can be. 

Rich Hoffman

Rich is the original founder of Cliffhanger Research and Development. He wanted to create something unique and out of the box. Today he writes daily political philosophy at

Nathan Ormes

Nathan is Rich's original partner. Today he runs the Cliffhanger Ranch Adventure Outpost in Virginia. A quaint little campground nestled in the mountains. Nathan writes at

Brooke Townsend

Brooke is the eldest of Rich's two daughters. She is a professional photographer, producing unique images, including the covers for Rich's new book series. Brooke writes at

Paul Townsend

Paul is the husband of Brooke, and Rich's son-in-law. Inspired by Rich's original novel 'The Symposium of Justice' and by Brooke's relentless creativity. Paul is the driving force behind the new projects, publishing much of the online content. Paul writes at

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